Tools for Business

Breakeven Analysis
Find out how many and what price you must sell your product at to make a profit.
Business Debt Consolidation Calculator
Should your business consolidate its debt? Use this calculator to find out.
Business Valuation - Discounted Cash Flow
This tool calculates a business valuation based upon the discounted cash flow methodology - illustrating how changes in projected growth rates and capital assumptions impact the business Net Present Value.
Cash Flow Calculator
Having adequate cash flow is essential to keep your business running. Use this calculator to help you determine the cash flow generated by your business.
Commercial Loan Calculator
Use this calculator to estimate your debt service coverage with a new loan. If your debt service coverage is high enough, including your new loan payment, you have a good chance of being approved.
Equipment Buy vs. Lease
Should you lease your equipment or finance it? Find out with this calculator!
Financial Ratios
This calculator helps you to zero in on areas of your business that may need attention. Areas such as solvency, liquidity, operational efficiency and profitability.
Inventory Analysis
Use this calculator to determine how much inventory you should hold, and efficient timing of your inventory orders.
Like Kind Exchange
This calculator is designed to calculate and the recognized loss, gain and the basis for a Like Kind Exchange.
Profit Margin Calculator
This calculator can help you determine the selling price for your products to achieve a desired profit margin.
Repossession of Personal Property from a Deferred Payment Sale
If you have repossessed personal property from a deferred payment sale, you can this calculator to determine the gain or loss.
Repossession of Personal Property from an Installment Payment Sale
If you have repossessed personal property with installment payments, you can this calculator to determine the gain or loss.
Repossession of Real Property
If you have repossessed real property, you can this calculator to determine the gain or loss as well as its new basis.
Working Capital Needs
Working capital essential to running your business. This calculator assists you in determining your working capital needs for the next year.